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doing what you can..
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 |
To begin this entry, I'd like to begin talking about reflection. How much time in a day do we actually reflect?

or possibly, a better question would be, why reflect at all?

It is because we are humans, that we need to reflect. It is because we err in our daily dealings and if we do not reflect, we would definitely repeat the same mistakes.

For people like me, who is always around other people, it is good to take maybe 3-5mins to reflect everyday at your own convenience. before sleep? in the bus? while driving? while riding? your call.

After the reflection, we should strive harder and explore new grounds/trying something new. I think being raised as a Singaporean Muslims, we are fortunate to be facing many challenges. It is because of these challenges that we become more resilient isn't it?

Thank you Allah for all the challenges You have challenged us with. Pls help us to see everything that happens has hikmah. And also help us to see the positive sides of the challenges we face.

Personally, im at a phase trying to be the best at what Im doing. and to achieve that, I might change my personality, so id like to apologise in advance to anybody if in this process, I would unintentionally hurt you.

Rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir. Allahummasta'an.
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 9:53 pm


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