my 1st wk in SCDF was undescribable! A lot of things happened n it took me sometime to absorb. The training tempo, the people around me and the admin style! alll differed from the SAF.
Training was ALOT tougher!!! n i mean ALOT!!! the words "half right down"(push ups) sent chills down my spine! well, that was wat i asked for indirectly by wanting to keep myself fit quite positive about this!=)
The people around me were KILAT people! most of them had colourful backgrds and they make great leaders. i felt quite timid being among them but i tried to learn as much from them as possible.
Thank u Allah for giving me a new chance to redeem myself for the mistakes i did during BMT. may i ask a favor from all reading this. do pray that i do better here! and may i be able to b among the best trainees of the 36th Basic Officer Course batch. I am thankful that i am united with a group of people who loves Allah. May we be united @ heart and continue to show positive attitude by being examplary Muslims!
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