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Saturday, June 03, 2006 |
It was a typical wkday morning, i cant really recall when. It was during my 5BX(5 basic exercise) that i had a chance to do some reflection..i noe..its weird-_-... it was the all time favourite position.."Jack Knife Exercise in position READY!" ehehhee...it is usually this position that our PTI(physical training instructor) MIGHT let us juz lie there n rest..or sleep..heh..ironically, instead of sleeping, i chose 2 let my mind wander.

As i look up at the sky, stars were twinkling bright, i reminisce a certain issue that have led me to where i am today. a more focused guy.heh. not so much matured but focus=P ..bcoz of that certain 'event', i planned out how my life would b few years down the road. target was set n i am on my way. its not really a step by step planning but more of a guide. how i will get there is up 2 my own 'creativity'.

the thing is...the target.its sort of a moving target so i have 2 b ready for changes and at the end of the day,even b4 i reach the target, it may not even b there anymore=) ive come realise that if someday, the target is not there anymore, my journey has 2 go on. as people have always say, the destination is nothing without the journey=) n yes! i will CHOOSE 2 stand tall no matter what happens! OH ALLAH, YOU WILL be my guide! i know someday i will fall, but its only YOU who can pick me up. Ya Allah, plz let me be strong n consistent for i am weak. plz remind me frequently of why i was introduced 2 this world. its be-cause of...YOU..oh Allah..be my strength..

as those thots crawled thru my mind, tears started 2 fill my eyes but i know everything will be okay coz Allah is always with me..no matter what happens Muslim dont give up. i am not a quitter but a fighter! ALLAHU AKBAR!

"So lose not heart. Nor fall into despair: for you must gain mastery if you are true in faith." (Ali Imran [3]: 139)
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 10:35 pm


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