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because it is a test from Allah s.w.t.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum wr wb!

I was chatting with a friend and we came to talk about this topic of extreme differences in understanding of practicing the Qur'aan and Sunnah.

And then I came across this hadith.

Anas says: "During a journey, I saw the Messenger of Allah pray eight rak'at in the early day. When he finished, he said: 'I prayed my prayer wishing and fearing. I asked my Lord for three things and He gave me two and withheld one. I asked Him not to put my ummah to trial by famine and He granted that request. And I asked that they would not be overtaken by their enemies and He granted that request. And I asked that they not be split into groups and parties and He refused that request."' This is related by Ahmad, an-Nasa'i, al-Hakim, and ibn Khuzaimah who classifies it as sahih.

Having read this hadith, it really is a reminder that if we are not careful, we may fall into such traps. Islam unites, not divide.

Our Prophet s.a.w. prayed such that we are united. That was what he wanted of us and if we truly love him and wants to live by his way, this is one of it.

Oh Allah, bind our hearts,ummah of our Prophet s.a.w. together in keeping on the path that You redha. ('=
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 12:46 pm
that person
Monday, August 27, 2012 | 0 Comments
someone who expects and brings out the best in you


when you are at your worst, accepts, embrace and helps you through..

who, who, who..
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 12:57 am
dont go.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

As I recall raising my hands to make du'a. Reciting "Yaa Faariqal Furqan, Wa Munzilal Qur'an, Bil Hikmati Wal Bayaan, Baarikillah hummalana fi shahr Ramadhan...."

Right there.

The thought of ramadhan leaving and the thought of "have I done enough?" and the thought of "have I gotten closer to Allah and having Islam as my way of life?" was just too overwhelming.

Yaa Allah, this small heart needs more cleansing. pakai clorox pon takpe! Extra white! ^_^

Aigoo...Pls don't gooo... >.<
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 4:31 pm
Monday, August 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

" The Prophet s.a.w. was not an elitist. When the Prophet s.a.w. was sitting down, and he was kicking back with Abu Bakr and Umar r.a. and you walk into that masjid you would have "Which one's the Prophet S.A.W.?" He didnt sit on something higher than them, or dress in something that anointed him. He didnt have something that was distinguishing mark that was apparent to a person from distance. He was a normal guy. he was a normal man with an extraordinary mission, extraordinary purpose of life. so our aim is to recapture that natural sunnah. another word for it is fitrah. so that your heart is at ease in the worship of Allah." - Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim

The BEST of mankind and yet, the most humble of them all. MasyaaAllah.

Oh Allah, please allow me to be amongst those who follows him s.a.w. with hikmah and rahmah.
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 11:45 pm
Knowledge is not that is gathered and memorised.. knowledge is what benefits you.." - Imam Syafie.
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 11:28 pm
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 | 0 Comments

Thank you Kak Nazlin!

It probably didn't mean much back then because of my stubbornness. But as life passes by and understanding what dakwah really is all about, this made real sense.

I was probably just......
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 8:40 am