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5 Things You Can Do For Yourself in 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006 |
something for everyone!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious , Most Merciful!

5 Things You Can Do For Yourself in 2006
By Abdul Malik Mujahid
Free people control their time and money. Slaves control neither. So let's take charge of ourselves through planning for ourselves now so there is a purpose to our lives beyond the mundane routines of earning and consuming.

None of us know how long we have to live. That's why we have to make sure we use what is left to contribute to the betterment of this life as well as to ensure that with God's mercy, our deeds will help us secure an excellent standing in the everlasting life.

God wants us to live a thoughtful life of hope, working for the future of this world and the hereafter.

"O ye who believe! Observe your duty to Allah. And let every soul look to that which it sendeth on before for the morrow. And observe your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is Informed of what ye do" (Quran 59:18).

Below are some ideas that can help jump-start your own thinking and planning process to yourself and others in the next 12 months.
1. Increase your time for yourself
Our prayers are not only an _expression of our desires but also of our goals. The Most common Dua Muslims make is

Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanatan wa fil akhirate hasanatan wa qina azaban nar. (Quran 2:201)

Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the life to come and keep us safe from the torment of the Fire.
Considering that we are asking God for the best of both worlds we must plan for this as well.
Questions to ask yourself:

Did I plan for the last year?
Have I learned anything new in skills and knowledge since last year?
Am I making more money than last year?
Am I satisfied with my life and contribution to society?
Do I have more friends today?
Am I a better Muslim today than last year?
Are my deeds leading me on the right path to Jannah?

Things to incorporate into your plan:

Learn communication skills. One of the major crises of Islam in America is the inability of our community to effectively convey our faith and our perspective on issues. Learning how to speak and write well is critical to fulfilling this need. Becoming a better communicator is an excellent way to serve Allah and the community. On an individual level, the person who can communicate effectively not only makes more money, but also has better relations with bosses and co-workers, as well as other important players in our society.
Learn leadership skills. This includes learning how to manage our time as well as managerial skills. Muslims, whether it's in our personal lives, mosques and Islamic centers or in our youth groups, are in dire need of these skills. The need to lead our communities so that we become better contributors to society and can better defend our rights has never been so important.
Strengthen Your Family: Muslim marriages are at risk. Today, about 34 percent of Muslim marriages in North America end in divorce. So if you're thinking of getting married, learn marriage skills from the many books and resources available. If you're already married, sit down with your spouse today and honestly discuss the state of your marriage as well as how it can be improved.
Develop contingency plans. During Hurricane Katrina, I went to a Red Cross site where the need to be prepared for any disaster became very clear. The same was reflected in the Asian Tsunami crisis and the recent earthquake in Kashmir. Prepare yourself and your family for all kinds of emergencies, whether natural disasters or hateful attacks.
Develop a reading list for 2006. Pick an area in which you want to volunteer time for.

You don't have to take courses to develop these critical skills, although it will be a good idea if you can incorporate it into your educational plans. You can also read books, listen to CDs and tapes on these topics in the car on your way to work, watch videos, etc. Find out if your Masjid can organize a half-day seminar on these topics.
Dua: Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the life to come and keep us safe from the torment of the Fire (Quran 2:201)
2. Connect with your neighbors
Like us, our neighbors spend more time with the television than with other people. TV exaggerates. TV distorts. TV preaches bad news about you, which fuels Islamophobia.

Over half of Americans would like to see Muslims' civil liberties curtailed. This is just one statistical reference of the kind of challenges we face. As a result, about 75 percent of Muslim Americans surveyed by Zogby International say they have been discriminated against or know someone who has been.

But when neighbors meet each other, they see each other's humanity. Remember that it was many neighbors of good conscience who stood with Muslims after 9/11.
What kind of relationship do you have with your neighbors? Consider this Hadith: Prophet Muhammad. peace and blessings be upon him. once said, "Jibreel kept recommending treating neighbors with kindness until I thought he would assign a share of inheritance" (Bukhari and Muslim).
Questions to ask yourself:

How much time do I give to relating to my neighbors?
Does my neighbor feel comfortable enough towards me to ask about my faith?
Have I invited neighbors to my home lately?
Ask yourself if you participate in the happiness of your neighbors.
Do your neighbors know you are Muslim?
When was the last time you read the Prophet's sayings about neighbors?
Is your relationship with your neighbors reflected in your budget?
When was the last time your Masjid had an open house for neighbors?

What to incorporate into your plan:

Throw a block party.
Organize a neighborhood watch program
Take part in local elections
Send special dishes to your neighbors with a recipe and ingredient list
Make your lawn and garden a joy for neighbors to watch
Customize with your name and distribute the Muslim neighbor pamphlet
Invite neighbors to family occasions planned for this year
Offer to take your neighbors through a guided tour of your Masjid

Dua: Oh Allah! Open our hearts towards our neighbors and open their hearts towards us.
3. Work to save America
America is at risk today. Not just by terrorism but by the war on terrorism as well. Our ideals, our liberties, and our constitution need a new civil rights movement.
People like Senator John McCain have shown how important it is to stand up for basic human rights by speaking out candidly against America's use of torture in the war on terror. Tens of lawyers have volunteered to file charges to get due process of law for prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Americans have expressed outrage over the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison last year. This is the beauty of America: free speech and the right to criticize government and oppose its wars.

America is not just important for Americans. America, as a world leader and the host of the UN, the World Bank, and the IMF, is important for all of humanity.
America is our home. Over 50 percent of American Muslims were born here. Others have chosen this country by voting with their feet by immigrating here.

In the current situation, of illegal monitoring of the Muslim community by agencies like the NSA and the FBI, as well as other civil rights violations against us, it is not only us who are being harmed. American ideals are at stake as well. America needs help in balancing its need for security while maintaining its commitment to liberty.
Questions to ask yourself:

Am I a better citizen today than I was last year?
Am I a better bridge-builder than I was last year?
Have I volunteered for America?
Have I taken a stand for justice?
Have I related to Americans of other backgrounds and faiths?

What to incorporate into your plan:

Resist the dehumanization of America. This is what warmongers do. Since we know that dehumanization of Muslims is resulting in criminal behavior, we should be the first ones to stand up fighting when articles, emails and some leaders dehumanize America and our neighbors
Study and communicate with an American think-tank
Buy airtime to broadcast the daily Muslim talk radio show that Radio Islam has started in Chicago, during which neighbors talk to each other
Develop a personal relationship with an opinion maker
Join a civil rights organization
Volunteer for a human rights organization
Join an organization that encourages discussion on foreign relations like the Council on Foreign Relations.
Subscribe to magazines and journals about American foreign policy
Run for public office
Volunteer for a candidate of your choice in the mid-term elections of 2006
Join an interfaith labor or peace network
Work on bringing Muslims together at the city level. Ask the Muslim leadership if Muslims have a common agenda and why we are not working with each other.

Dua: Oh Allah! Help us become better citizens. Help us make America a better citizen of the global village. Keep us and our neighbors safe and liberate us from the fear of unknown. Help us deal with our enemy justly.
4. Increase your time for Islam
Jannah isn't free. We must work for it while making Dua for Allah's Mercy to enter this beautiful place of eternal rest and tranquility. The time to work is now. Not tomorrow. Not the Next Life. This beautiful Guidance from God is subject to a lot of ridicule in today's America. This dehumanization of Islam and Muslims is hurting Muslims as well as America. Muslim Americans can be the bridge-builders who liberate the middle path from Islamophobia as well as the extremism of some Muslims.
Questions to ask yourself:

How much time have I volunteered for Islam? How does it compare with the time I spend watching TV?
Is my family a part of the Muslim community?
Are Muslims working together in my city?
What do I know about Islamophbia and other forms of prejudice in society?
Is my Masjid a part of any social, justice, peace, or interfaith coalition?
Is my faith connecting me to the cause of the poor and the oppressed?

Things to incorporate into your plan:

Take a vacation for Islam. Devote one or two weeks working for an Islamic cause of your choice.
Volunteer to organize an open house at your mosque.
Become an agent of Muslim unity. We can do a lot better for Islam and America if Muslim organizations can work together as a federation putting their resources to work for the common agenda.
Ask your Masjid leadership what they are doing for Muslim unity.
Meet, call, and write to Muslim leaders you know and ask what they are doing to bring Muslims together.
Start classes for interpersonal communication at your Masjid.
Volunteer in soup kitchens or homeless shelters run by other groups.
See what Islamic books and audio-visual material your library has available and what it can order.
Attend a local interfaith, labor or peace and justice network. Showing up sometimes is half of the work.

Duas: "Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate from the truth after You have guided us, and bestow upon us mercy from Your grace. Verily You are the Giver of bounties without measure" (Quran 3:8).

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him used to pray: "I seek refuge in You, O Allah, from knowledge that does not benefit and from a heart which does not fear".
5. Give sisters their space
I know a number of Muslim sisters who are very conscientious Muslims and practice Islam thoroughly. However, they no longer go to the Masjid. Islam needs Muslim women and Muslims need sisters willing to devote their time and skills to our faith.

There are two major questions asked by non-Muslims about Islam. The first relates to violence and terrorism. The second is about women in Islam. Whenever a sister talks about these topics, her mere standing up and answering these questions wins half the battle.

We will always need good books, articles and literature about women in Islam. But we also need solid examples of Muslim sisters actively involved in healthy Muslim communities where their full participation helps our communities grow on the balanced path of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
Questions to ask:

Does the space for sisters in your Masjid resemble sisters' space in the Prophet's Mosque?
Do sisters have equal access to the Imam and the Masjid library?
Do mothers have a lounge available to them?
Are sisters a part of the leadership in the community?
Are women in your family able to spare time for Islam?
What can I do to facilitate sisters' participation in community life?
Am I consuming less and giving more?

Things to incorporate into your plan:

Learn how to run your family based on the Shura model
Develop a sisters' leadership caucus in your city. If sisters don't do this, it won't happen.
If the Masjid leadership is elected yearly, then issue an annual report card on the Masjid from a sisters' perspective.
Make sure your community newsletter/newspaper reflects sisters' aspirations. In my experience, sisters are generally better writers and designers. Get them involved.
If you're the only cook in the family, get everyone else involved in learning how to cook and take care of the home.
If you are not married, narrate or write down your worldview of marriage. Make sure the potential spouse you are considering knows about your views. Insist on both of you taking premarital classes.
Establish social service organizations in your communities. Sisters' leadership is emerging from this sector.
Talk to the Imam about giving woman-focused Khutbas.

Dua: Ya Allah! Help us understand that Islam is not just for men. Ya Allah help us reason with Muslim brothers and sisters who disagree with our position of giving proper space to women in Masjids. Ya Allah, help our community establish justice for all, men and women.
One of the most certain things about life is its uncertainty. In the last 12 months we have seen how natural disasters can eliminate life. But death can take us any time, regardless of the method.

We came into this world alone and we will leave it alone. Whatever we do, it is only for our benefit. In our graves what will count will not be how well off we were in this world. It will be our good deeds.

Your good deeds demand your time and your money. With your planning and budget, this world can be better while ensuring a good life in the Hereafter.

May He bless our plans and intentions.

posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 9:16 pm
splendid sunday!
Assalamualaikum all!! uHh..today started off great! met up wif my brothers whom i missed sooo much! dah, dun kembang k=P managed to spend the night with them @ msjd alkaff..yeahh..we had a slumber partyy!! yeEeHhaAa~~..after doing our subuh prayers n listening to the kuliah subuh..we played sepak raga+soccer! khekhekhe..happening la! after sweating it out a little, i had 2 send my sister to pergas.jeng jeng jeng..den den den..i went joggin wif mummy! n faizal tagged along too!! haha..we went to bedok reservoir to do our 4km jog.

after sending faizal back, me n mommy went to pasar! hehe.mcm dah lama gitu tk gi pasar kan.hoho..the daun daun smelt nice! it was quite hectic as nxt wk will be chinese new yr n everyone is practically bargaining for better prices.

went back home n had some.anyway, i juz came back from class arab!! besttt..hehe..alar..beginner standard.so, it xcites me! ehehe..oh ya..anyone nk blaja tak arab sama sama? its near my place kat rumah org..so far baru ade 5 org jer.sape sape berminat its every sunday 8pm-9pm.the pace the ustaz is moving is good for slow people like me=D kalau ade sape sape berminat..give me a buzz..or tag ma board dudes n dudettes!

ok now...back to CDA! lalala...*all my bags r packed, im ready to go* ~~~fades away....
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 4:44 pm
Muslim Youth and Falling in Love
Sunday, January 15, 2006 |
By Latiefa Achmat-

If you notice, all baby creatures are cute, and most of them require love and care. Even baby wolves and baby rats are somewhat lovable. Human beings have been created with a need to be loved and are both cute and lovable to help the process along.
Most often the baby’s need for love and attention is satisfied by the mother and then by the wider family circle extending to friends, teachers, and classmates. As we go through life we keep searching for love and acceptance, and this doesn’t change when we grow up.

There are also different kinds of love, and people might love us for different reasons because they appreciate different qualities about us. A mother and father’s love is entrenched; they just love us anyway! But when people grow up, their parents’ love is not enough and they seek someone who will love them, care for them, and appreciate them on a different level—a complete love.

In modern terms this is called “falling in love” and I’m sure we all know about it—perhaps from the time we were young and read stories about the princess and the prince and how they lived happily ever after. We read such stories and perhaps our notion of what it means to fall in love and have a partner for life grew out of those ideas. However, at the same time we live in a period in human history when the family is being torn apart and when many marriages end up in divorce. This leaves young people feeling disillusioned: How does the “happily ever after” idea fit into the real-life context of marriage and divorce in the world today?

We have to acknowledge that the need to love and be loved is inherent in every human being. Along with this is the desire to have a family and achieve one’s potential in life. People need to feel secure, and lasting changes usually come slowly. Love has a lot to do with this.

The feeling of love is a gift from the Almighty. After speaking to many Muslim couples, I discovered that the feeling of love they share after being married for some time has grown. I found that when young people meet in the Islamic way—I mean being introduced to each other and speaking together and getting to know each other while understanding the background of the other person including family, friends, interests, education, work, and so on—the couple will form an idea about whether or not they are suited to each other and they will either have or not have the desire to know more about the other person.

At this point in the process of marriage, it’s important that both parties are honest with each other and mention clearly what they expect from a marriage partner and what they can give to the marriage:hopes and fears and so on. Both parties much seek Allah’s guidance through praying Istikharah (prayer for guidance in making a decision) to ensure Allah’s blessings.

When the couple marry, they are at the point of knowing some basic things about each other, and marriage is the first step to discover each other and learn how to share their lives. If the couple follow Allah’s guidance and are merciful, kind, helpful, generous, cooperative, forgiving, and patient with each other, love will grow from this seed because these behaviors nurture this feeling and allow it to grow. Everyone likes to be treated well and this is the basis of marriage in Islam.

The divorce that occurs so often in the world is very often the result of people basing their marriage only on emotional feelings, infatuation for example, and calling it “falling in love.” In any approach to marriage, the basis of communication should be honesty, sincerity, and straightforwardness. It’s easy for someone to act in a certain way to catch a marriage partner. But then when reality sets in, it’s like buying something you thought was a good value then taking the sticker off and finding it says “made in ——.” It’s better to get to know someone, including his or her background, interests, hopes, and goals, before the feelings begin to grow. In this way, if you find out something you don’t like about that person, it’s easy to just call things off.

Too often people present themselves in a certain way before marriage only later to reveal their hidden selves, which may or may not be what the other person expects or wants. So don’t get caught up in the world of emotional feeling that is really infatuation or desire instead of basing your relationship on behavior that nurtures the human soul and the feeling we all seek—love.
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 8:23 pm
Top 10 Beauty Tips=D
Something interesting!

Here’s to a more beautiful you!!!

Try ‘Smiles’; A simple formula guaranteed to beautify
any face instantly.

Use ‘Speak Words of Truth and Kindness’; as this
mouthwash never allows stale
smells to linger.

Can be achieved by Looking for The Good . This product
also has a positive effect on the heart. Tip: Lowering
your gaze when required also helps!

by Repenting and making Taubah
Both these load shifters will reduce
stress and leave you feeling
considerably lighter.

Can be achieved by ‘Tears’used alongside ‘Prayer’,
particularly late at night; it will leave you glowing and
feeling relaxed. Use a wonderful cream called “Noor”.

Give donations and charity.

by contacting the ‘Forgive Yourself and Others’, and
‘Counting Your Blessings’, Health Spas. No need to
travel, just give them a call and they’ll treat you wherever
you are. Their holistic treatments have a whole host of
additional health benefits including stress busting.

Strengthen and straighten your back by using ’Help Carry
Another’s Burden’; You’ll be surprised by how easy
and natural it is to use.

Use ‘Knowledge and Wisdom’;
This excellent product will do wonders for
your self esteem and confidence, and will
even boost your body’s defences.

Find the ultimate outfit in, ‘Taqwa’,
This robe perfectly fits yet allows room
for growth, the true classic promises
to never go out of style and is appropriate for any

Finish your new look with the sensational scent,
’Gratitude’, the heavenly perfume is available in the
most beautiful containers–now !
Here’s to a more beautiful you!!!

Source: studying-islam.org
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 3:32 pm
hari 'eid...
Assalamualaikum semua! hahak! Alhamdulillah! dpt babitkan diri dalam Qurban this yr walaupun malam tu jugak kene masok camp! kalau last yr saya menanggalkan kepale dan kaki kaki kambing, tahun ni, saya jage kambing! hehe..ha ah..bile da ready, baru kluarkan kambing la.heh..kluarkan tu understatement sebenar nye.calar balar tgn saye kerana struggle dgn kambing tu.tapi alhamdulillah tkde major injury.

Satu pengajaran dari Qurban yg sgt terang ialah persahabatan! tk kisah yg muda ataupun yg tua. Kita sama sama tolong jayakan process qurban itu. Islam selalu menggalakkan persaudaraan bkn sahaja antara Muslims tapi dgn yg non-Muslims pon! Dgn menjalinkan persaudaraan ni, tk terbayang perkara2 yg boleh tercapai..sebenarnya, tali persaudaraan antara sesama kita ni, menguatkan diri kita. Bayangkan kalau kite hidup keseorangan, uhh..tu la dia..tk leh bayangkan kan? =D..jadi, setiasa hargai la kawan kawan dan rakan rakan kite yg masih hidup dan sekiranya kawan kite tu pegi, doakan dan sedekahkan amalan yg kite mampu dan berdoa+berharap Allah menerimanyer..

Kepada semua kawan kawan dan rakan rakan saya kat sane.... I LOVE U!!!!!!! ehehehe..touching nyer!=D

below r some of the pix that i have for qurban...


haaa...dats me pinning down one kambing.fuH..stress k..dia tendang tendang tendang..ust Jamal ingatkan kite layan kambing2 tu dgn belas kasihan=)

me and abdillah tgh angkat kambing nk bawak ke sembelih point..

utk mengurangkan lagi kesakitan apabila disembelih, kite mesti mengasah pisau setajam mungkin!

yg tgh pegang pisau tu lah ustaz Jamal!

Kambing lepas disembeih..menunggu giliran utk di bagi bagi kan..

more pix can be found here.

sape nk tolong next yr!!!??
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 1:56 pm
Life is short...
Peace All! yesterday was rather unexpected. Everything was decided spontaneously. I didnt have any plans at first, just running some errands with mummy. Halfway thru the day i remembered Aishah burger(khekhekhekhe) invited fityan Ghufran for her family's house warming @ her place of course. I called Asrul 2 ask if he is goin. I got a shock when he said ustaz Jamaludin's grandma passed away earlier dat day. Innanillahi wa innailaihi rajiun.Huhu.the sad thing is no one told me earlier!! I could have joined them 2 perform the sholat jenazah. gRrrr..FYI, ustaz Jamal is Masjid Ghufran's Imam Executive.

Faizal n i decided 2 meet up @ aishah's place after asar den after maghrib to ust Jamal's tahlil.

When i received the msg to ust Jamal's tahlil, i was taken aback by pondering how short life is and someday, we will get 'there'. But what worries me most, am i prepared to face Him? The One who owns everything. The One who has been giving me everything. The One, without Him, i am nothing. *sobs*..Oh, Allah...plz remind me when i forget, plz correct me when im wrong, plz forgive me when i sin.

I was amazed by ustaz Jamal's calmness. After tahlil, he shared a tazkirah on giving our deeds to the dead. He could even inject a little bit of humor in it! Ustaz Jamal Rocks! InsyaAllah, with him around to lead fityan ghufran, we will become better vicegerents!(khalifahs).

Over at my camp, Civil Defence Academy, it is located righttt beside the Muslims Cemetery. I will usually take a look when there is toilet break during training as the toilet is right across the cemetery separated by a narrow rd and also fences of course. Being a Muslim, we r encourage to be reminded that life is short so that we will not get too carried away with what this busy world drowning us in.

May all of us Muslims, constantly remind one another of the duties that we r supposed to carry out and may our sincere little deeds be accepted by Allah and may we attain the GREATEST Love no one else can give....

Allahu 'alam...
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 12:09 pm
Life of an army reject....
Sunday, January 08, 2006 |

From green to blue...dats what happened to the 20 NSF(National Service Fulltime) from BMTC(Basic Military Training Centre). For me, I felt theres a lot more to learn when im in blue than in green. As a future life saver, the skills u learn @ the SCDF(Singapore Civil Defence Force) are very much applicable, literally. @ critical times in the future, a wrong move n it might cost a life.

Training is soo much tougher here. I noe i have been repeating this fact but i cant help it! It is! soo, did i mention the training is tough? =P

There r a few factor that keeps me going n going. I noe its only the end of 3rd wk out of 36 weeks here and i really have to be consistent 2 b a great officer when i passout. But isnt that a trait of good Muslim! Consistency! InsyaAllah, with shear hardwork n determination n with the prayers n support i have from the people around me, im confident i can be one! heh..*Thumbs-up pose* =D .. thanks guys n gals!
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 5:08 pm
Training to be Heroes....
Peace be upon y'all! Been a great week! Tiring but great!! hohoho! training was tough as usual but thank Allah for the great weather! not too hot that is. For this week, we trained how 2 connect hoses to pumper(fire engine :P) and also from pumper to nozzle n that is where we start shooting(water k). As for now, we haven't been given the chance YET 2 shoot. Still trying to master the skill of hoses @ the fastest possible time. Hey hey, people's lives r @ stake as every second tick. So, training was designed such a way that its tough so, when encounter the real thing, we wouldn't panic. Well, here r some of the pix! :-

Well, there u go..for this drill, i was the pump operator!! look at my suit. Haha.@ 1st i thot it was cool but when u get IN it under the scorching sun, u wish u were still in the army=D


WoOooooHoOoo!!! yeahhh...dats me trying the sliding pole Singapore STyLe! Its a very vital skill 2 b able 2 slide down the pole quickly n effectively! when the siren is heard, u have ONE minute 2 get ready EVERYTHING and move off to the site!

Last but not least, this r the heroes wanna b at the end of August =) ..sooo, who wanna b a hero?
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 4:12 pm