You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
You are SIMBA.
You're young, naive, and misguided. However, don't fear, because your growth comes exponentially with hard times ahead. Only then will you reach the goals you've set out to accomplish.
The Sorting Hat would put you in Gryffindor.
You are bold, passionate, and brave. You have a highly-defined sense of right and wrong, and you are not afraid to speak your mind or fight for what you want.
assalamualaikum!! aloha!!! im goin 2 brunei!! now da check in!! hahah no time no time!! ill b back on the 4th!! pray for me!! now im burnt!! burnt!! haha...thx 2 the 3days sea xpedition..alhamdulillah! it was a memorable one! we get 2 sail a cutter! ill show u guyz the pix when i get back from brunei..hoho..hows the outside world? im sure everyone is doing well..
pray that ill get back in 1 piece ya!! im current unwell..huhu..muz b dat Allah luvs me soooo much=D ya Allah! thank u for nikmat iman n taqwa that u have given me..i pray that ill b guided thru the next 7days..ameen!!!
Thanks to one of our brothers who had did some research on the term 'orientalist'.
According to him :
"Basically, according to an online dictionary, orientalism means scholarly knowledge of Asian cultures, languages and peoples.
I did more research on the net regarding the term and found that at one point of time in history during the mid-19th Century, the study of oriental became an established academic subject. However, with more scholars becoming more involved in this subject, there exists racists attitudes and derogatory remarks towards the Orientals. This conflict of interest is between the European Christendom and the Muslim cultures to the East and in North Africa. But this is only ONE negative instance of the study of orientalism.
Orientalists can also learn from the orientals. They've extracted and imitated some of asian styles of art and literature. They learn that the culture of the orientals are very respectable and impressive. Some of the orientalists even mimics certain characteristics of our culture and traditions."
Thanks to him again.
Allah s.w.t. berfirman di dalam Al-Quran
"Dan ketika Isa anak Maryam berkata , hai Bani Israil! Sesungguhnya aku ini utusan Allah untukmu, membenarkan wahyu yang diturunkan sebelum aku ,iaitu Taurat, dan menyampaikan berita gembira akan kedatangan seorang Rasul kemudian namanya AHMAD,tetapi setelah Rasul itu datang kepada mereka dengan bukti yang nyata ,mereka berkata: Inilah tukang sihir yang nyata"(As-Saf:6)
Di dalam ayat ini diterangkan oleh Nabi Isa a.s. bahawa akan datang seorang Rasul namanya AHMAD dan bukan MUHAMMAD sebagaimana yang dipercayai oleh orang Islam.
Dalam menafsirkan ayat Al-Quran , kita mestilah menggunakan ayat-ayat Quran sendiri , hadis-hadis nabi s.a.w. dan tafsiran para ulama' . Kita tidak boleh menafsirkan Al'-Quran sesuka hati .Andai kata boleh menafsirkan Quran sesuka hati , Ahmad Nisfu ,Ahmad Stokin , Ahmad Al-Bab atau sesiapa sahaja yang bernama Ahmad berhak untuk mendakwakan dirinya sebagai Rasul sesudah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
Di dalam buku I'TIQAD AHLUSSUNNAH WAL JAMA'AH karangan K.H. SIRAJUDDIN ABBAS diterangkan begini :
"Kaum Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah menafsirkan ayat ini dengan hadis Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. di mana dikatakan bahawa yang dimaksud denagn perkataan "AHMAD" dalam ayat itu ialah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sendiri kerana nama beliau di samping Muhammad juga Ahmad.
Di dalam sebuah hadis tersebut begini :
Ertinya:"Dari Muhammad bin Jubair bin Muth'im , dari bapanya (Jubair bin Muth'im) r.a. beliau berkata :Berkata Rasulullah s.a.w.:Bagiku ada 5 nama : Aku Muhammad dan Ahmad ,aku Al-Mahi yakni penghapus kekafiran ,aku al-Hasyir,iaitu yang dikumpul(pada hari kiamat) manusia di belakangku dan aku al'Aqib
Aqib itu ialah nabi yang tidak ada lagi nabi sesudahnya
(Sahih Bukhari II halaman 183 dan Sahih Muslim II halaman 336)
Assalamualaikum semua! yeahh..been quite sometime since ive updated.sorry to keep everyone waiting =D i went for the relite camp! best..althou didnt help out much but im glad i get 2 meet my brothers!! argH! da lama tk buat camp dgn korang!!! feels odd watching them most of the time. ya Allah! thank u for giving me the luxury of time to meet up with them..
may the times when we r apart b a form of motivation to strive harder for Your cause..strengthen us, embrace us, guide us...ameen!!