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You are SIMBA.

You're young, naive, and misguided. However, don't fear, because your growth comes exponentially with hard times ahead. Only then will you reach the goals you've set out to accomplish.

Permata yang dicari
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 | 5 Comments
Hadirnya tanpa kusedari
Menggamit kasih cinta bersemi
Hadir cinta insan padaku ini
Anugerah kurniaan Ilahi

Lembut tutur bicaranya
Menarik hatiku untuk mendekatinya
Kesopanannya memikat di hati
Mendamaikan jiwaku yang resah ini

Ya Allah
Jika dia benar untukku
Dekatkanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Jika dia bukan milikku
Damaikanlah hatiku
Dengan ketentuan-Mu

Dialah permata yang dicari
Selama ini baru kutemui
Tapi ku tak pasti rencana Ilahi
Apakah dia kan kumiliki
Tidak sekali dinodai nafsu
Akan kubatasi dengan syariat-Mu
Jika dirinya bukan untukku
Redha hatiku dengan ketentuan-Mu

Ya Allah
Engkaulah tempat kubergantung harapanku
Kuharap diriku sentiasa di bawah rahmat-Mu
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 8:53 am
i want to give more....
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 | 0 Comments
ya Allah, have i reached my maximum capacity? Is this all that i can give? I want to give more! Pls give me the strength to do so. I want to play apart in your Khaira Ummah. Pls give me that chance.

Even if I am alone doing this, I am never really alone because You will always be there!

I must push! Even if I die doing this alone! I dont want to regret not doing anything! my limit is You!
*a promise to self*

Be hard on yourself, be easy on others - Imam Syafi'e
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 5:30 am
Doa seseorang Da'i
Saturday, August 16, 2008 | 0 Comments
Ya Allah, selamatkan para du'atMu dari fitnah-fitnah dunia yang boleh merosakkan perjuangan kami.

Bersatu dan bersihkanlah niat dan hati kami.

Berikanlah kami kekuatan untuk menempuhi ujian yang Kau telah sediakan.

Sayangi dan peliharalah kami.

Janganlah Kau berpaling dari kami kerana kebodohan dan keangkuhan kami. Sesungguhnya, kami hambaMu yang lalai dan alpa.

Jika Kau berpaling dari kami, kepada siapakah harus kami meminta pertolongan ya Allah?

Tiada siapa lagi yang boleh kami menadarkan kedua belah tangan kami kepada kecualiMu.

Berilah kami kesedaran ya Allah. Engkaulah pemilik-pemilik hati ini.
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 11:40 pm
what more can we ask for?
Monday, August 11, 2008 | 0 Comments
A person came crying and weeping to Shaikh Shiblee Rahamatullahi alayh and said, ‘O Shaikh, I have destroyed myself; make du’aa for me that may Allah take me away from this world.’

People, whose relationship with Allah is strong, will never ever dream of committing suicide. Those people who enjoy the pleasures of this world; alcohol, drug, women, dubbing, etc., they are the people who will ultimately, want to commit suicide because they will get sick of this world. Those who enjoy the pleasures of this world by committing sins will be surrounded by problems from all four sides. They have brought these problems upon themselves through disobedience to Allah Ta’aalaa.

Such people begin to feel they will only find peace, if they are dead. An Urdu poet has said: Now out of fear you desire to die (But) even after death, if you do not find peace, where will you go?

Now, overpowered by calamities and problems, you desire to die and you consider death a solution to all your problems, but if, after death, you do not find peace in the grave, if you do not find peace on the Day of Qiyaamah, if you do not find peace on the Pul Siraat and you are deprived of entry in Jannah, then where will you go?

So the person said to Shaikh Shiblee, ‘I have a big problem. Make du’aa that may Allah Ta’aalaa take me away from this world.’

The Shaikh said, ‘Calm down, take it easy, what is the problem?’ He replied, ‘I had a very close friend, and I loved him very much. We were friends for a very long time. He sacrificed everything for me and I sacrificed everything for him. I had never thought that he will ever leave me but he has left me. Now my heart is empty. I cannot survive without him. I love him so much that I want him back, and if I cannot have him back, then I want to die.’

The Shaikh soothed him and asked him to calm down saying, ‘Look, there is no need to lose hope. Why do you want to die when there is a solution to your problem?’

He quickly said, very happily, ‘Tell me what is the solution, tell me quickly! Since he has left me I have not been eating, drinking or sleeping. There is no joy in my life. Please tell me quickly.’

The Shaikh replied, ‘The only way to forget a friend who has left you is to make a new friend.’ He said, ‘O Shaikh, after ten to fifteen years of loyal friendship, he has left me and I am suffering. And you are telling me to make a new friend. I fear that if the same thing happens, then what will become of me.’

Shaikh Shiblee said, ‘What if I find you a friend who will never leave you. In fact, if you are disloyal to him and after years of disloyalty, you go back to him saying O my friend! Forgive me. I want to be your friend again, he will immediately accept you again as a friend.’ He said, ‘O Shaikh! Show me this friend! Who is this friend that is so loyal.’

The Shaikh replied, ‘Turn to Allah and make friendship with Him.’(=

posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 11:37 pm
rintihan seorang hamba
Sunday, August 10, 2008 | 0 Comments
Ya Allah, jadikanlah aku hambaMu yang selalu berdoa kepadaMu dengan setulusnya ketika dalam keadaan tenteram sebagaimana tulusnya doa orang-orang yang terpaksa kerana berada dalam kesempitan...
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 5:28 pm
Friday, August 08, 2008 | 1 Comments
My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not you'll become a philosopher.

posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 8:25 am
shall we start to practice this?=D
Wednesday, August 06, 2008 | 0 Comments
“The key to sincerity is Qiyaamul-Layl, because only the sincere wake and stand when others are lying asleep.”

-[Imam al-Haddad]
posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 9:48 am
Which wonders of Allah's power, will you deny?
Tuesday, August 05, 2008 | 0 Comments
In his tape, ‘Sifat al-Hayaa’, Shaykh Muhammad Hassan* mentions an incredible incident which happened to him when he went to Makkah - a great story of conviction, certainty and firm belief in Allah. He says:

“Let me mention the story of one of our elders from Dumyat (area in north Egypt). This was a man afflicted with paralysis and he travelled to London, France, and America, and the doctors took every measure possible but were unable to cure him. This noble man then left to go to the Sacred House of Allah (Makkah). He took a promise from his sons (that they would help him) and so they carried him, entered him into the haram whilst he was in his wheelchair & drew him closer to the Ka’bah - though he had been paralysed for years.

In Makkah he spoke to me about this, he said ‘Wallahi Shaykh Muhammad, I didn’t call upon Allah except with this one du’aa.’ I asked, ‘What did you say?’ He said, ‘By Allah! I am not going to leave Your House except upon my two feet or in a coffin.’ Wallahi, I didn’t say anymore than that - I (repeated it and) started to scream it out and weep so much until a very painful headache overwhelmed me and sleep overtook me. So I slept in my wheelchair. In my sleep, I heard a caller in my right ear shouting to me saying, ‘Get up and walk! Get up and walk!’ So I awoke, got up and walked towards the Ka’bah when I suddenly remembered my paralysis!

So I screamed ‘O King of Kings! Wallahi You do not fail the one who turns to You.’

One of the righteous used to say, “By Allah, I do not know which two blessings I should be thankful for: Sins which my Lord has hidden for me and He has not humiliated me with it in front of his creation such that they ridicule me, or should I thank Allah for the love and affection which He has put in the hearts of His servants for me, for which my deeds have not reached nor attained.”

* [True story of a paralysed man who started to walk once more after making du’a in the Haram - related by Shaykh Muhammad Hassaan in his audio tape, Sifat al-Hayaa’]

posted by Mohksin Rashid @ 9:09 am